Monday, September 10, 2012

June 2012: Taking the Interior Apart (Day 2)

I showed up to the warehouse the next morning with high hopes of getting things done. I got tools I need, the zip-loc baggies, and a real big box to take care of the miscellaneous interior body panels.

Just like Gerry said, start from the roof and make my way down. When I started taking off the roof panel I was greeted with a pleasant surprise...

Yeah, I found a two-barrel carb gasket in the roof in my car. How in the blazes did that get up there?!?!

As I kept making my way down things were going real smooth. Carefully taking parts off and bagging them. When I removed some of the bigger interior panels I found some spider-webs. Apparently my car was a safe haven for all sorts of critters up in the mountains!

I had a lot of fun taking the car apart. It was really cool seeing how all the pieces fit together. One thing I was continuously vacuuming up the dirt and cleaning the grime that formed in the car. I was really pleased myself for doing such a good job (and without breaking anything!)

Here's what I took out of the car...

It looked pretty naked in there while I continued to drive around town.

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