Monday, September 10, 2012

Easter 2012: Body Shop Homework

During the school year, Fords Only was able to get hold of a body shop for me. I was told that this is a good shop and that they were ready for my car. I was pleasantly surprised to hear the great news but I had to ask the big question... how much??                              $9800. This really is a good price for all the work the car needs but I don't have that much money to throw down. I turned it down and had to keep looking.

I headed back to California for Easter with the family but since I home I could do some (car) homework. 

I asked some car friends and tried talking to other people at Donut Derelicts. I was learning a lot about the common body problems that Mustangs have, how body shops work, and what I can do to save some money.

This was all great info but I didn't have a shop picked out yet. I talked to my friend Robert and asked for advice on the situation and he gave me just the answer I was looking. He told me about his friend Carlos who was really good at body work. Carlos is Robert's guru in all things body related, Score! I was told that we could set up a meeting with Carlos when I was back in California for summer. 

It was a long wait!

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